FullCount Attends Argentum 2023

The Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference in New Orleans was an incredible experience for the FullCount team. The conference provided an excellent opportunity for us to connect with other senior living industry professionals and learn about the latest trends and best practices.


The educational sessions and keynote speakers were top-notch and we gained valuable insights into industry challenges and opportunities. We especially enjoyed the sessions on resident care and wellness, technology, and workforce development, which gave us new ideas and strategies to better serve our clients.



The exhibit hall was also a highlight of the conference, and we were thrilled to have our parent organization, 365 Retail Markets, join us in our booth! We were able to showcase our Point of Sale solutions to potential clients and partners, as well as 365’s unattended retail solutions, and made valuable connections!



Overall, the Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference was an excellent investment of our time and resources. We came away from the event with new knowledge, new connections, and a renewed sense of enthusiasm for our work in the senior living industry. We're already looking forward to attending next year's conference!  A special thank you to our current customers who stopped to explore our new features and benefits and to just say hello!