ADT (Admit/Discharge/Transfer) Integration with Move-N

Move-N will place a comma separated (CSV) file containing all resident information on an SFTP server provided by Move-N. Every morning at 6:30 AM Central time, the file will be processed by FullCount. FullCount compares each record in the file with the existing database. If a resident does not exist within FullCount, a new resident is created. If the resident does exist, the system will update the record with any updated information. If the resident has been discharged, the system will end date the resident and all associated accounts.

FullCount will populate the following information from Move-N.

  • First and Last Name
  • Apartment
  • Billing ID
  • Birthday
  • Allergies
  • Resident Photo
  • Diet Type
  • Charge Account
  • Customer Type
  • Effective Start Date
  • Effective End Date (when applicable)
  • Portal Username (when applicable)
  • Portal Password (when applicable)
  • Meal plans can be populated if there are rules that can be derived from the data received.
  • Report groups can be populated if there are rules that can be derived from the data received.

The following information is not received by FullCount and must be maintained separately.

  • Custom Fields that are not birthday, allergies, or diet type.
  • Meal plans that do not have rules associated with them (resident choice)
  • Resident Photo

Manual changes can be made to resident information. However, if that information is maintained in Move-N, the manual change may be overwritten the next time a message is received. The manual changes that will not be automatically updated will depend on how the integration is configured.

New residents, along with any other updates, will appear in FullCount after the file is processed at 6:30 AM Central.

If a plan has rules that can be configured by the system, FullCount can automatically assign a shared plan to residents who share the same apartment. This can be configured on a plan-by-plan basis.

Changes made to residents in FullCount can be viewed on each resident’s record in FullCount.

No. Changes to resident information made in FullCount will not appear in Move-N.

When the integration is turned on, changes to resident information will start occurring in FullCount. This can be verified by searching for new residents, confirming discharged residents have been end-dated, etc.

Yes, while this is a new offering to the FullCount suite, other communities are currently integrating data from Move-N into FullCount.

Yes, and a work order will need to be signed by the customer prior to integration. The community will also need to sign the appropriate paperwork with Move-N.

Most projects are completed within three to four weeks.

$2,500 one-time setup, and $150/month. Speak to someone from sales and we'll get you set up!

Contact your FullCount sales representative to begin the process and determine if your platform is compatible for integration.
(800) 289-9636