The Seamless Integration Between FullCount and Vitals

Connecting technology and healthcare is crucial in senior living. Vitals, a prominent web-based electronic health record (EHR) system, has fostered a lasting partnership with FullCount, the foremost Point of Sale system in the senior living industry. This collaboration exemplifies the true power of integration in senior living technology.


How Does the Process Work?

The process begins when Vitals sends FullCount a message when an event is generated within their system. Upon receiving the message, FullCount will process the information. If the resident does not exist, a new resident is created. If the resident does exist, the system will update the record with any updated information. If the resident has been discharged, the system will end date the resident and all accounts.


What Gets Automatically Updated?

Here's a snapshot of the information that FullCount automatically updates based on the data received from Vitals.

  • Personal Details: First and last names, ensuring accurate identification of residents.
  • Residence Information: Apartment number, streamlining location-specific services.
  • Billing ID: Precise tracking of financial transactions and accounts.
  • Birthday: Celebrating residents' special days with personalized attention.
  • Allergies: Safeguarding residents' health with up-to-date medical information.
  • Resident Photo: Visual identification for improved resident-staff interaction.
  • Charge Account: Efficient management of resident expenses and payments.
  • Customer Type: Tailored services based on resident classification.
  • Effective Dates: Recording the start and, when applicable, end dates of resident engagement.
  • Portal Credentials: When applicable, login info is generated using a community standard template.

Additionally, FullCount's flexibility shines through in its ability to integrate meal plans and report groups based on rule-derived insights. This not only showcases the depth of automation but also the intelligence that drives it, leading to a comprehensive and customized approach to senior care.


Elevating Senior Living through Integration

The integration between FullCount and Vitals does more than simply transfer data—it transforms operational efficiency. Through the seamless exchange of critical resident data, these platforms empower senior care facilities to deliver superior care while alleviating administrative challenges.

In the ever-evolving senior living sector, the partnership between FullCount and Vitals continues to shine as a symbol of innovation, showcasing how integration can significantly streamline operations and improve the quality of life for residents.


Click here for more information about FullCount's ADT integration with Yardi and other EHR providers!