Senior Living Events Galore

March was a busy month for FullCount. We were fortunate enough to attend three senior living conferences in one week! Our team attended the Life Care Services Food & Beverage Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, the Association of Jewish Aging Services Annual Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, and HealthTAC East in Miami, Florida.


LCS Food & Beverage:

Life Care Services (LCS) organized a gathering for Food & Beverage Directors from different LCS communities across states to join together to network, gather information, and strategize.  We were pleased to see many familiar faces from existing FullCount locations and meet new groups who were interested in exploring how our solutions could assist them.  We were honored to attend as we were among only three vendors invited to attend.  Our focus at the event was promoting two new FullCount features – our new resident portal and reservations enhancement.

The new resident portal is now mobile friendly! You can easily download the app onto your mobile device in a few easy steps. We also added a “Remember me” function for easy login after stepping away from your device. As for integrations, SSO is now available with Caremerge and Cubigo. Along with API connect for Caremerge, Touchtown and K4 Connect.

Our reservation enhancement allows residents to name the other residents and guests they’re dining with, which lets your staff know if there will be any dietary restrictions or preferences before everyone is seated. We’re expecting this to be available in April or early May. Residents are able to select whether or not they want to receive notifications about their reservations, and even send updates to those they will be dining with.



The Association of Jewish Aging Services (AJAS) Annual Conference brings together executive-level management, staff, and board members from senior living facilities across North America every year for educational sessions and networking opportunities.  We were grateful to be invited to such a high-quality event by AJAS and had fruitful conversations with senior living executives, discussing current trends and industry expectations. Our first experience at AJAS was fantastic, and we look forward to attending next year and hope to see many of you there!



HealthTAC®East is an event focused on building life-long relationships with industry executives in a relaxed atmosphere.  This event includes three receptions, seven sit-down meals, educational sessions, relationship-building activities, and one-on-one uninterrupted meetings allowing for industry professionals to accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time.

With 42 vendors, this was the largest show in Healthtac's history!  We are looking forward to HealthTAC® West and more of these events in the future!


If you're interested in attending and/or meeting with us at an upcoming event, please reach out to our sales team at