Got Tablets?

Imagine streamlining your order management process, providing exceptional table-side service, and seamlessly integrating with accounting. That's just the beginning of what you can accomplish with FullCount's tablet options.

Let's dive into the incredible benefits:

Streamlined Order Management: With FullCount, you can bid farewell to paper-based systems and welcome a digital order management solution. Say goodbye to misplaced or misread orders and hello to efficient and accurate order taking.

Dietary Notes: Managing dietary restrictions and allergens becomes effortless when resident-specific dietary information is displayed on-screen, ensuring that staff members are always informed and able to provide personalized care during meal service.

Enhance Table-side Service: Picture your staff members equipped with tablets, effortlessly taking orders and transmitting them directly to the kitchen. Your residents will be delighted by the personalized and efficient table-side service they receive, further enhancing their dining experience.

Seamless Integrations: FullCount's software seamlessly integrates with you accounting and billing. This means that you can effortlessly process transactions, manage inventory, and generate comprehensive reports, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your dining room operations.

Flexible Ordering: These tablets can also revolutionize your self-serve options at the pickup counter. Residents can use the tablets to browse through available options, make selections, and even customize their meals. This empowers them with choice and independence while ensuring a smooth and efficient pickup process.

To learn more about how FullCount flexible hardware options can benefit your senior living community, click here. We are excited to help you create a dining experience that exceeds expectations and brings joy to your residents' lives.