Senior Living Food & Beverage  

Technology throughout the senior living food & beverage industry is becoming increasingly competitive.  How do operators decide what options fit best within their community? When considering adopting new technology, most operators ask themselves, “How will this help us achieve operational excellence, while mitigating the challenges we’re currently facing?” 

In order to solve these problems, it is critical for technology vendors to understand what challenges operators are facing. FullCount strives to do so, daily.

Simplifying processes, improving senior living food & beverage operations (in the dining room specifically), optimizing staff, and improving resident satisfaction are a few examples we have heard recently.  Luckily, there are many features within the FullCount system that help communities mitigate these challenges while improving operations. 

In this article we’ll talk about three of those contributors: Reservations, Online Ordering, and capturing every transaction at your community all on a unified platform. 


“We love FullCount’s reservation feature and use it every day, for every meal. Because we know the names and number of residents/guests dining with us, it is easy for dining managers to know where to assign staff. 

We couldn’t go a day without FullCount’s reservation module, because we would be lacking a lot of crucial information for our dining operations.” 

Asta Budriute | Dining Manager | Cloverwood 

FullCount’s reservation feature streamlines dining room operations.  Asta describes it perfectly; by utilizing the reservation feature, you will know when residents are coming to the dining room, so you can schedule staff accordingly. 

Your residents can easily reserve dining times via our easy-to-use Resident Portal. The user-friendly system guides residents through the process to make, view, and edit reservations. The flexibility of the system allows for customizable settings to fit your community’s needs. With a variety of entry methods, you can rest assured that the system will be fully utilized, ensuring dining rooms are running smoothly to increase resident satisfaction. 

Online Ordering 

Another available feature on the same Resident Portal, is online ordering.  Offer your residents flexible dining options, while reducing staffing needs during peak dining hours. 

You could save over $10,000 per month in labor costs by utilizing our resident portal with online ordering.1 The prime driver of these savings is reduced staffing needs. 

Additionally, you are able to assure prospective residents safety and flexibility by providing the five-star dining they expect, with the option to self-isolate. 

Total Revenue Capture

“FullCount is a game changer.  The FullCount system helped us increase revenue considerably. At one location, alcohol sales alone increased 400% when utilizing FullCount. With such an increase in revenue, our investment was quickly returned with a full return on our initial Investment in 13 months.” 

Jamie Lemon | Vice President of Operations | Allegro Management Company 

Track and capture every transactions at your community, including guests and staff, in every department. The FullCount system is not limited to dining departments, you can easily customize your instance to work within salons, convenience stores, and more.

FullCount users spend, on average, 23% less time closing checks versus off-the-shelf systems. This means staff can allocate their resources elsewhere to increase resident satisfaction and cut labor costs.

With a system designed for senior living, you can eliminate challenges you may face processing orders on multiple accounts, quickly splitting tickets, or accepting different forms of payment. 

senior living food and beverage

Unified Platform 

FullCount’s Resident Portal gives residents easy access to online ordering, reservations, and account information form within one unified platform. Instead of outsourcing to companies that fall short of the mark, your residents can have convenient access to all three of the above on a single, unified platform. 

Self-service options have been shown to increase resident satisfaction and cut labor costs.

Our studies have shown that a typical deployment of the FullCount POS system in a community with 100 residents (as an example), will reduce labor by 174 hours per month compared to a community using an off-the-shelf system.2

Even more powerful, labor hours will be cut by 230 hours per month for a community not currently using a POS system.3 The reduction in labor usage for a senior living community drives down costs and makes operations more manageable. 

To learn more about how a Senior Living Point of Sale can help your community simplify processes, improve operations, optimize staff, and improve resident satisfactions click here. 

1, 2, 3. FullCount internal analysis of anonymized data. Results may vary depending on community deployment of various technologies and training for residents and employees, but forecast results should be commonly attainable.